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Online session

The treatments I offer online are:

  • Kinesiology according to Dr. Klinghardt

- Kinesiological testing of food intolerances, scars, toxins, germs (Lyme disease, herpes viruses, EBV, etc.), geopathy, electrosmog, nutritional supplement testing, etc.
- Kinesiological testing and treatment of unresolved psychological conflicts on a conscious and unconscious level; working with conscious and unconscious beliefs

- Genogram (family tree) work

  • Tensor treatment according to Amelie Schmeer

  • Working with painted pictures

  • Bach flower essence consultation

  • Advice on liver and gallbladder cleansing

The online appointments are held via Skype, usually last between one and two hours and cost €55 per hour. Any questions or uncertainties that arise after the session will be answered by email or telephone at no extra charge. Online appointments are possible in the following languages: German, English and Bulgarian.



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