Tsveta Stadler
"Man is man's best medicine."
African proverb

Tsveta Stadler
born 27.04.1985
B.Sc. in Geology und Biology, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, 2008
Over 14 years experience in the areas of massage und applied kinesiology
Diploma in therapeutic massages with qualification in electrotherapy and hydrotherapy, Dr. Bergler Massage School, Graz and Schloss Schule Massage School, St. Georgen/Stiefing, 2015
Applied Kinesiology according to Dr Klinghardt, Institute for Neurobiology of Dr. Klinghardt, since 2020
and Lightkinesiology, R. Celani, Dr S. Pandor und HP N.Pechmann. Courses:
ART 1 & ART 2 (Autonome Response Test)
PK 1, PK 2 & PK 3 (Psychokinesiology)
MFT 1 & MFT 2 (Mental Field Techniques)
Intestine Testing, Neurotoxines (Detoxing the body), Microbial Testing (Lyme Disease & Co-Infektions, Herpes Viruses, EBV, Covid-19/Long- & Post-Covid etc.), Testing of the teeth and the jaw, Autism Spectrum
Tensor Treatment according to Amelie Schmeer
Lightkinesiology 1 & 2
ImmunSymbiosis (HP Ariane Zappe), Sophia Matrix (HP Ariane Zappe)
Family, Marriage and Life Counsellor i.A.u.S., Caritas Klagenfurt, since 2/2022
- Internship at IFP Kapfenberg: Institute for Family Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Voluntary probation officer in NEUSTART Kapfenberg
Education in:
- Classic and sportmassage
- Manual lymphdrainage
- Foot reflex massage
- Acupressure according to Penzel
- Moxibustion
- Connective tissue massage
- Subcutaneous reflex therapy
- Thai Massage (Chang Mai Academy)
- Lomi Lomi Nui
- Ayurvedic massage
- Honey, salt and Coffee massages
- Aromamassage
- Singing bowls massage (Peter Hess Academy)
- Body Talk applied kinesiology
- Tensor treatment according to Amelie Schmeer
- Mikroimmuntherapy
- Therapy with the Spenglersan Homeopathy and with other complex homeopathy
- Lightkinesiology with Biophotone Mirrors. You can read more about this method in this and in this article
- Biomolecular cell and immuntherapy (Organ supplements)
- regular training with GanzImmun Academy (Laboratory GanzImmun) as well as at Heilpraktiker from Germany
- Mykotherapy: I work with the high-grade medicinal mushrooms of the Vitalpilz Chiemsee company
- Auto-Nosoden.
My offer
Kinesiology according to Dr. Klinghardt - online sessions available
Family, marriage and life counselling
Online session
Lightkinesiolgy with biophotone mirrors
Treatment with tensor - online session available
Treatment with painted pictures - online sessions available
Moxibustion (a treatment of traditional chinese medicine with heat)
Singing bowl massage
Therapeutic massage
Ultrasound therapy
Classic massage
Honey massage
Manual lymphatic drainage and lymphtaping
Foot reflexology
Counselling with Bach flower remedies
Elektrosmog consultation
Liver and gallbladder cleanse
For expectant mothers: placenta nosode
Hair mineral analysis and hair analysis of toxic metals

€55 for 50 min (all treatments)
Vouchers are available.
Please allow 2 to 3 hours for Dr Klinghardt's kinesiology, as this is the only way to accurately test and balance body, mind and soul.
For therapeutic massages / ultrasound therapy / manual lymphatic drainage a partial reimbursement from your health insurance company is possible.
Phone +43 650 45 23227
Email: praxis.stadler [at] ikmail.com
Address: Au bei Turnau 108, Turnau 8624, Austria
Tsveta Stadler, B.Sc.
Au bei Turnau 108 in Au bei Turnau, 8624
Telefon: +43 650 45 23 227