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Moxibustion is a type of reflex therapy in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The meridians and specially selected acupuncture points are warmed using moxa, mugwort, which also grows in Europe. The herb is dried, mixed with active charcoal and pressed into the shape of "cigars" or sticks, which can thus burn relatively smoke-free. Mugwort strengthens the immune system and has anti-viral properties. The glowing moxa sticks are held at a distance of approx. 2 cm from the biologically active points (the acupuncture points) or placed directly on them using a protective film. This opens up the meridian energy flow. The heat of moxa therapy has a particularly good effect on all chronic conditions, such as chronic pain.

I choose the acupuncture points carefully according to your complaints. Moxa therapy is suitable for all YANG deficiencies: conditions after long, debilitating illnesses (long Covid), exhaustion, burn out, chronic pain (back pain, period pain...), degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system, psychological stress, etc.


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